PUZZLE #100: Remedial Chaos Emerald Theory

Hey all! As I'm sure you know, I went through a lot this week—I was rolling a die before posting Puzzle #100 (long story), when the die knocked over a glass of water I had at my desk. Well, the water spilled onto my laptop and I was like "shoot shoot shoot" so I did the first thing that came to mind and picked up the laptop to shake it off which worked for a bit but some of the water got onto a power strip and I freaked out and unplugged it but when I did that the cord got taut and knocked over a candle (I light candles to relax before I post a puzzle) and the flame caught on a sheet of graph paper and before you know it my whole desk was on fire. So now I'm thinking "Ohh man you really did it this time" but I had to save my desk so I grabbed a shirt (nearest thing to me) and started just waving it at the fire but it turns out that just made the fire stronger so I grabbed a water bottle, and yeah the whole time I was thinking why didn't you do that first duhh, but as I splashed it on the fire I realized why I didn't do that first (you see I forgot that was my lighter fluid bottle, from when I picked up lighter fluid from a buddy of mine (Jerry, nice guy) but he had too much so I kept the excess in a handy water bottle). So now the fire's BLAZING and I'm panicking so I saved what I could (the lighter fluid bottle mostly, which in retrospect was a dumb thing to hold in a room on fire) and got out of there. Then I called the fire department and they yelled at me.

Long story short, the computer that had my Crossfire stuff is now melted, and I won't have access to crossword software for a long time, so I am pivoting this site away from being a crossword blog! In its place, I'm turning to another subject: Sonic the Hedgehog! I know for you, the reader, it'll be a jarring content shift from crossword puzzles to discussion about the latest Sonic news and characters, but I trust that you all will handle the transition with grace. And if you're saying "Aww man, I just want a puzzle," fear not! For the inaugural post of the Sonic Era, I'm making the post itself a puzzle! See if you can guess who this mystery character is (and thanks, as always, to David Gold for testing):


1. She's a pink hedgehog with a huge crush on Sonic!

2. She's got a super cool hammer, and she's not afraid to use it!

3. She really "Rose" in popularity (hint hint) since her introduction in the Sonic the Hedgehog manga!

4. She hasn't appeared in the movie yet, but when she does, you better believe her fans are going to fill "rows" (homophonic hint) of seats in the theaters!

5. She looks like this: 

Well, that's all the hints you get! If you know her first name—congratulations! You win this puzzle! If you know her last name that's cool but you don't really need it to win the puzzle and honestly you're being kind of a show-off.

Well, that's the post! See you next week for another deep dive into the world of the Blue Blur.

Gotta go fast,


Not that it matters, but the die landed on a six. I wonder if things would've been different if I had... well, I don't know.

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