
Sunday, February 28, 2021

PUZZLE #85: Themeless 24

SOLUTION to the last puzzle

Another themeless! I went down more rabbit holes than usual cluing this, and they were the kinds of rabbit holes you find and then really want to share with other people, so here's a doc with a few links to stuff I found cool (spoilers for the puzzle, so only click after you've solved).

Hope you enjoy,

P.S. If you like cryptic crosswords but don't like the "word" part, try this all-emoji cryptic crossword I posted a few days ago. I'm also hearing from a lot of people that this was their first complete cryptic solve, so especially check it out if you're a cryptic beginner!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

PUZZLE #84: Themeless 23

SOLUTION to the last puzzle

Bullet points because I'm writing this while trying to figure out what "statistics" are:
  • Thanks for all the love the last puzzle has gotten!
  • Late to post about this, but read these Kameron Austin Collins notes if you haven't already.
  • Some puzzles from new indie sources that I've really enjoyed: this indie debut from Ryan McCarty, and this themeless banger from Mollie Cowger.
Normal themeless today, no tricks, but I feel like it leans into "modern" more than usual. Hope you enjoy!