
Sunday, August 19, 2018

PUZZLE #39: Moving In

SOLUTION to last week's puzzle

Autobiographical puzzle, since I just flew out of San Diego yesterday. Feels weird, but I'm ready to start ~collegiate~ living.

Also, congrats to Stella Zawistowski, winner of Lollapuzzoola 11, as well as her co-finalists, Glen Ryan and Sam Ezersky! Solving powerhouses, the three of them. The tournament may be over, but if you missed it, you can still solve the puzzles here.

Hope you enjoy the puzzle!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

PUZZLE #38: No Love Lost

SOLUTION to the last puzzle

First, some sad news: McDonald's cancelled their sponsorship with me because, in their words, "why did we even spend money on brand integration with a teen's crossword blog in the first place." No matter-- sponsorship or not, I'm gonna keep making puzzles, and I defy any big-budget company to stop me.

I originally had a different puzzle slated for today, but I got inspiration yesterday that I had to follow through with. Hope you enjoy the puzzle!


P.S. Lollapuzzoola 11 is happening in two weeks. Insanely good puzzles guaranteed, so be sure to sign up.